Office Furniture Assembly
Office furniture assembly can be a time-consuming and somewhat stressful experience. A lot of people hate the thought of assembling any kind of assembly that comes in a box!
There’s nothing worse than opening up a package to find thousands of pieces and vague instructions on how to put them together. Trust us, we’ve all been there.
The great news is, it doesn’t have to be that hard! It will take time, but it won’t take nearly as long. If you are organized and methodical in your approach and have the right tools in hand, you’ll be up in no time!
Some commonly asked questions…
How hard is office furniture to assemble?
It completely depends. Some can take hours, require specialist tools and multiple people, whilst other kinds of office furniture can be put together in a matter of minutes. It all comes down to choosing the right furniture from a reputable manufacturer or retailer with great customer service that will help you when you need it.
Can I speed up office furniture assembly?
Yes. Ensuring that you have plenty of space, organizing the components and having everything on hand before you start can cut down the time associated with assembling office furniture.
There’s nothing more annoying than having to make an unexpected trip down to the hardware store for tools half way through a project. So check the equipment list in the instructions before you begin!
What tools do I need to assemble office furniture?
That depends on the item and the manufacturer. Many pieces of office furniture come supplied with tools, but others may require one or more of the following items: (we’ve linked each of the listed items to the Amazon store for your convenience)

You may also find it easier to assemble office furniture with power tools. An electric screwdriver can save you loads of time. To avoid damaging the furniture, make sure to set the torque and speed to a lower setting. This will lessen the likelihood of stripping the screws to which there’s no going back from at that point.
How many people do I need to assemble office furniture?
That depends, but usually, it’s 1 to 2. Follow the instructions, and if it says you need 2 people, don’t be a hero and try and do it on your own!
Attempting to put together a piece of furniture on your own, can increase the risk of injury or cause damage to the furniture. You may be unable to complete the project (or it could take you much longer), and you could be left with a half assembled piece.
How much space do I need to assemble office furniture?
Bigger spaces make things much easier. Ideally, you want enough space so that you can lay all the major components and tools out, and still have space to work comfortably.
Having enough space to organize all the bits and pieces is a big bonus. It’s very easy for an essential fitting to become lost under a box or piece of packaging. That or the cats have mistaken it for a toy! Trying to assemble office furniture in a tight space will take longer, and is likely to be much more stressful!
Tips for Assembling Office Furniture
Know what you’re trying to build
Ensure you have a picture of what the finished furniture item will look like! Sometimes, the instructions won’t provide a clear image of the office furniture, so check online before you start. Knowing what you’re trying to build, will make everything much easier.
Use the instructions
Patients is key. Taking the time to read the instructions, could save you a lot of wasted time later. The instructions are there for a reason, and following them will usually make the whole process much quicker, simpler and more straightforward. If you’ve lost your instructions, just get in touch with a customer service rep!
Inventory check
Make sure you have everything you need before you start assembling. Do an inventory check. This includes major components, tools and fittings. If anything is damaged, get straight in touch with the retailer and let them know.
Get organized
Assembling any kind of flat pack furniture is much easier, when you’re organized. Set out the instructions somewhere you can see them. Separate out all the screws and fittings and group them. Having individual bowls or containers for each small fitting is much safer and easier to decipher what screws and fittings go where! Trust us.
Check everything is flush and tight
Check to make sure that the furniture is sturdy, secure and level, before you start using it. You don’t want any disasters. Once you’ve put your office furniture together, check all the screws, bolts and fittings, and double check they are all fully tightened.
NOTE: As with anything that requires tightening, you’ll want a very snug tightening so everything is secure. Just keep in mind, overdoing it can damage the screws and joints. So be careful and methodical.
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